Hidalgo ISD students donate toys on Dia Del Nino!

     In a display of empathy and generosity, Hidalgo ISD’s Ida Diaz Jr. High students turned their classroom into hubs of compassion by donating toys to those in need, in honor of ‘El Dia del Niño’ (Children's Day), a day dedicated to honoring and cherishing the youngest members of our society.
     “To honor ‘El Dia del Niño,’ our AUPAE (Alumnos Unidos Para Aprender Español) Spanish Club came together and donated the funds with the help of their friends and family members to purchase toys for the children that currently live in Mujeres Unidas, Women Together shelter,” explained Sandra San Miguel, Spanish teacher, founder, and sponsor of the Spanish Club.
     Mujers Unidas, Women Together shelter is a nonprofit organization that provides a safe asylum to those victims/survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence.
     In a world often overshadowed by negativity, the generosity of these students served as a beacon of light, instilling in them the profound impact even the smallest acts of kindness can have.
     “This donation made me feel very happy, grateful and a little emotional,” said eighth grader, Briana Zamorano. “I know the kids will enjoy the toys, but more than anything it brought a smile to my face knowing that we did something really nice for them.”
     Not only does donating provide joy and gratitude, but it also fosters a sense of community and empathy among the students involved. Through their actions, they were not just donating toys; they were donating hope, happiness, and the promise of brighter days.
     “At the shelter, they had babies, preschoolers with the age of three and four, schoolers between the age of five and twelve, and teenagers,” said San Miguel. “We were able to use the funds that the students collected to purchase the toys from Walmart.”
     Before arriving at the store, the students were divided into two groups: boys and girls. The girls were assigned to shop for the girls, who were accompanied by San Miguel, and the boys were assigned to shop for the boys, and were accompanied by Rosie Esqueda, an Ida Diaz Jr. High parent volunteer.
     The AUPAE Spanish Club ended up donating one-hundred and twenty brand new toys to the children in the shelter.
     From colorful dolls to action figures, board games to cuddly teddy bears, these donated toys carried with them the power to ignite smiles and spark imagination. For the students involved, it's a lesson beyond textbooks, a lesson in empathy, kindness, and the joy of giving.
     “This experience taught me to be more generous and grateful, because there was a time in my life when I would get so upset for not getting the things I wanted,” expressed eighth-grader, Rebecca Gallegos. “This donation made me happy and helped me to appreciate all the things I have.”
     This simple act of kindness was not just about giving away toys; it was about spreading joy and making a difference in the lives of children who may not have access to such treasures, and more than anything a valuable lesson that was imparted to the Spanish Club students for rendering their time and service.